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Music: HeatleyBros - Happy Day!

Hazel's Profile

Random Facts:​

  • Mutters and stutters alot

  • Doesn't trust and forgive easily, has trust issues

  • Is very vulnerable, especially to bullies

  • New to magic but is weak and helpless without her wand

  • Very quiet softie that's gentle with everything

  • Is childlike, wants to be a kid again

  • Wants all her friends to be happy and safe

  • Is very forgetful, has memory issues


Full Name: Hazel Star


Nickname(s): Hazey, Witch Hazel, Lazy Hazey


Gender: Female


Age: Young Adult


Species: Kit fox fennec mix


Personality: timid, ambivert, laidback, jolly, silly, random, quiet, stubborn, gentle, childlike, fearful


Likes: sweet food, summer, warm sunny days, warm starry nights, edm techno music, comedy cartoons/anime, funny comics/mangas, plushies, kawaii things, being with friends, fireworks, good teamwork


Dislikes: winter, cold weather, rock and roll music, being blamed, rain, stormy windy weather, spicy food, sour food, traitors, ranters, bullies, fights/drama


Fears: bullies, betrayal, gossip, needles (she has severe trypanophobia), horror, gore, wasps and most bugs (she has entomophobia), falling (she has basophobia), war, pain (she has algophobia), threats, fast scary rides, death (she has thanatophobia)


Hazel is friends with everyone!

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